the amazon: home to the most isolated people in the world

Started by Indigenously Brazilian, July 22, 2023, 08:34:51 AM

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Indigenously Brazilian

July 22, 2023, 08:34:51 AM Last Edit: July 22, 2023, 09:09:25 AM by Laklãnõ Xogleng
the amazon is a massive rainforest in brazil that houses many uncontacted Native tribes.

they are not only the most uncontacted Native tribes, but they're the most uncontacted people in the world, period. and there are protections in place to keep it that way as long as possible.

it's so nice to see these people being able to mind their business and live their lives without interruption.

speaking their native languages and worshiping what and how they choose, without bibles being forced down their throats by "missionaries".

or foreign diseases wiping them completely/almost completely owt, like what happened here in the USA to the "Civilized Tribes", or to the Tainos of Puerto Rico/DR....

QuoteBrazil's Amazon is home to more uncontacted tribes than anywhere in the world. There are thought to be at least 100 isolated groups in this rainforest, according to the government's Indian affairs department FUNAI.

Their decision not to maintain contact with other tribes and outsiders is almost certainly a result of previous disastrous encounters and the ongoing invasion and destruction of their forest home.

These aerial photos are from 2008 - they're clearly ready for MESS

the pics are nice but honestly it would be better if people just leave them alone altogether.
unless these helicopter flyovers are part of a project that's designed to further or better protect them