Queen releases new vidya

Started by GMF, June 04, 2016, 11:15:50 AM

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Inject My Lips

Yuck, she's like the female Tommy Sotomayer


Quote from: floridapie08 on June 15, 2016, 01:48:47 PM
Quote from: GMF on June 04, 2016, 11:28:32 AM
xzcvxcvxc @ lionpuss skincare

all this involvement in the CIA, her secret relationship with anderson cooper, her mentioning she hates black people/god in every video and this insecurity with her own skin colour :plzstop:

bitch can't be this insane, she's gotta be trolling :plzstop:

Yes I talk about the CIA and, MKULTRA a lot and, others on Youtube are doing the same. If you type in MK ULTRA in the Youtube search you will see a lot of MK ULTRA CIA videos with people giving their ideas about the subject matter.  Do you think that NO ONE on this planet has any CIA ties. I do know Anderson and, it matters not if you believe that or not. I never said that I hate black people and, I never said that I hate god. I do not believe in God therefore I have nothing to hate. I do hate Religion because, it causes wars, terrorist, beheadings and other such terrible things. I do not have insecurity in my own skin color as I simply feel that I look more beautiful in a lighter hue. No I am not insane. No atheist has any ties with insanity. It is far more insane to believe in a God then to not believe in one. People that believe in God believe that there is a invisible man in the sky and, they talk to invisible beings via prayer. That is more insane than anything, just because it is commonly done on this planet does not make it normal. Also your avatar looks insane with some woman possessed by the holy ghost or something of that nature. To a Atheist mind that looks completely insane. Enjoy your day.

yes queen I love you!  I'm ur biggest fan :stressed: