America has to hit ROCK bottom.... we have to fall into chaos for awhile

Started by KING BENTLEY., November 09, 2016, 07:37:05 PM

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We're in a bad place
And Trump is the mirror
Things are going to get bad
And Things have GOT to be shaken up

Ppl have to be brought out of their comfort zones

White ppl need foreign affairs to go to SHIT
These racist crackers NEED Isis to interrupt their Sunday dinners for MESS

White women (and other women)(who voted for Trump)
I don't wanna hear SHIT about your scraped fetuses anymore.
I don't wanna hear SHIT about you getting your box pounded out involuntarily. Get raped everyday from now on until you DIE.
You think that's "locker room" talk anyway, so don't cry out for Justice.

Hispanics NEED to have their rights stripped away and families separated. So they can unite.

Indians NEED their rights infringed upon and lands taken back away

Black ppl... NIGGERS!... need their fckn social programs STRIPPED
PHAGGITs and bitches always posting on snap or insta or tryna FLEX.
STARVE and FREEZE fckn bastards... make way for ppl who actually wannna make a different

I'm the fck FED up with America


Opposites Attract.

It's unconditional, these days you know....