SQUIDS...pls ban this boy, BULLDAGGER (punk ass pussy ass bitch)

Started by death, February 17, 2016, 01:14:40 AM

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February 17, 2016, 01:14:40 AM Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 02:25:06 AM by Blues trans clue
[youtube autoplay=1 width=1 height=1][/youtube]bulldagger

firs off...he stinks
second of alls...he aint fckiN CUTE
thirda alls I DNT fckin USE
n we all kno how valued im am 'round hea (wouldnt wants me to leave woulda ya)

plus he dnt fckin use bran

im not one for mess but this times..its MESS!
& tha way he said he'd string up one of tha gorls earlier on a plantation field while 'deles alb' played in tha background....
this fag is NUTS!
& ugl'!

Im means..like must i go on?!..wtf...

bull hun..ur time is up


monk al-taqi



"Trust in God is worth everything that is precious and the path to every goal which is high and sublime."


n bull u sittin up thea personally attackin me

bby boo honey buncha OATS....dnt make me get ethnic on u
& espose u for wat u are

lets jus say like adeles weight...like fan

Matta fact i want a fckin apology...like...NOW

N im means NOW

or ima turn this board up fckin side fckin DOWN
on ur knees
ill wait


u pick tha rite name boy

& u fulla SHIT!
so ofc thts all we gon get frm ya
a buncha BULLSHITS!

& im gonna poke ur forehead faggot
o yes im am
im gonna poke & u aint gonna do shit 'bout IT!


Well, hoe you'll just be waiting just like you be waiting to get approved down there at the welfare office for food stamps every year. Y'all say y'all don't like me and i don't matter but y'all want me gone. I don't know why I get the girls so riled up every time I bring up Flea's facts.


And I'm suing you bitches for lying on me and slandering my name making up shit. I never shaded Brandy.



Quote from: Bulldagger on February 17, 2016, 01:28:56 AM
Well, hoe you'll just be waiting just like you be waiting to get approved down there at the welfare office for food stamps every year. Y'all say y'all don't like me and i don't matter but y'all want me gone. I don't know why I get the girls so riled up every time I bring up Flea's facts.
oh faggot well u kno wat

im gonna keep fckin tryin now tht uve piss me off
add me to ur rogues gallery faggot
cuz one of these days..mayb' evn TODAY..im gonna get u booted tha fck OWT