SQUIDS...pls ban this boy, BULLDAGGER (punk ass pussy ass bitch)

Started by death, February 17, 2016, 01:14:40 AM

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Quote from: Drais. on February 17, 2016, 02:23:23 AM
Quote from: Blues trans clue on February 17, 2016, 01:49:35 AM
rig! squids!

surround him

Girl you can post that enough until the day you croak of aids. I already said he can die and so can you!
Enthrall me honey you're boring and late like your mug and your grill. Lets talk about that wide thing that covers up 3/4 of your face that you call a nose!


Quote from: Drais. on February 17, 2016, 02:23:23 AM
Quote from: Blues trans clue on February 17, 2016, 01:49:35 AM
rig! squids!

surround him


MUGGLE BLOOD problems!

low end of the swamp RODENT!
I'm embarrassed for you, Bull.
Powerless FAGGOT.

I'd never have to relinquish my PRIDE and JOY because of a DYING and decaying loved one! hehe
Alls well here in GODHOOD, FAGGAWTT!!



can we talk about how your nose is stretched out like Emmitt Till's face was but without a dragging? Can we?!


February 17, 2016, 02:36:12 AM #49 Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 02:39:58 AM by Blues trans clue
I notice..haha..I noticed that you love Adele sooo very much.

Wonder if her sales will be able to save the ones you love...the ones FADING into the never ending cycle of life and DEATH.
Wonder if her sales will help your loved one OVERCOME what neither of you can beat hehe
I even wonder THAT when dad falls into the tomb...will her sales be there to console your tears, FAGGOT.
I pity you.

Adele won't save you now, BOY.
While you were so busy being GAY, twirling around in your mother funky ass DSW heels in her closet.
Being the swamp borderland HOMOSEXUAL TYRANT YOU ARE.

I was pouncing on WHOLE star system, BULL!

You're UGLY and I'm not.
You're WEAK..and I'm not.
YOUR FATHER is DYING and my father RULES.
We are different and IF you still are not getting it.


Quote from: Blues trans clue on February 17, 2016, 02:36:12 AM
[youtube autoplay=1 width=1 height=1][/youtube]I notice..haha..I noticed that you love Adele sooo very much.

Wonder if her sales will be able to save the ones you love...the ones FADING into the never ending cycle of life and DEATH.
Wonder if her sales will help your loved one OVERCOME what neither of you can beat hehe
I even wonder THAT when dad falls into the tomb...will her sales be there to console your tears, FAGGOT.
I pity you.

Adele won't save you now, BOY.
While you were so busy being GAY, twirling around in your mother funky ass DSW heels in her closet.
Being the swamp borderland HOMOSEXUAL TYRANT YOU ARE.

I was pouncing on WHOLE star system, BULL!

You're UGLY and I'm not.
You're WEAK..and I'm not.
YOUR FATHER is DYING and my father RULES.
We are different and IF you still are not getting it.



Quote from: Blues trans clue on February 17, 2016, 02:36:12 AM
While you were so busy being GAY, twirling around in your mother funky ass DSW heels in her closet.
Being the swamp borderland HOMOSEXUAL TYRANT YOU ARE.


Quote from: Bulldagger on February 17, 2016, 02:32:46 AM
Can we talk about
The day your father's body releases his WEAK soul into the lake of fire.
How you smell of must, puke, garbage & soon the scent of your DEAD father when you have to find him laid out somewhere devoid of all LIFE and carry him to an ambulance.

BABY boy, can we talk about the PAIN you're going to be in.
And how I'm going to instantly FEEL his life slip away and FEEL you in AGONY!
I will experience NEW sensations while you fall DEEP into despair and possibly consult with the spirit of suicide and ALAS!

I will win.


Daddy...daddy!...daddy... where are you?

There's nothing like the tears of the inferior to make my Wednesday morning.


Quote from: Blues trans clue on February 17, 2016, 02:39:36 AM
Quote from: Bulldagger on February 17, 2016, 02:32:46 AM
Can we talk about
The day your father's body releases his WEAK soul into the lake of fire.
How you smell of must, puke, garbage & soon the scent of your DEAD father when you have to find him laid out somewhere devoid of all LIFE and carry him to an ambulance.

BABY boy, can we talk about the PAIN you're going to be in.
And how I'm going to instantly FEEL his life slip away and FEEL you in AGONY!
I will experience NEW sensations while you fall DEEP into despair and possibly consult with the spirit of suicide and ALAS!

I will win.

omg wtffff pons :uhh:


FAGGOT, there is NOTHING to talk about. I don't know why you insist on posting bullshit about my facial features. They'll remain a mystery. Continue spewing gibberish sis. 

You're very fucking mad and you're gonna stay that way. Destroy him Pons!  :kii:   


Quote from: Blues trans clue on February 17, 2016, 02:36:12 AM
[youtube autoplay=1 width=1 height=1][/youtube]I notice..haha..I noticed that you love Adele sooo very much.

Wonder if her sales will be able to save the ones you love...the ones FADING into the never ending cycle of life and DEATH.
Wonder if her sales will help your loved one OVERCOME what neither of you can beat hehe
I even wonder THAT when dad falls into the tomb...will her sales be there to console your tears, FAGGOT.
I pity you.

Adele won't save you now, BOY.
While you were so busy being GAY, twirling around in your mother funky ass DSW heels in her closet.
Being the swamp borderland HOMOSEXUAL TYRANT YOU ARE.

I was pouncing on WHOLE star system, BULL!

You're UGLY and I'm not.
You're WEAK..and I'm not.
YOUR FATHER is DYING and my father RULES.
We are different and IF you still are not getting it.

Girl all my loved ones are living. You're the one with no loved ones died or alive that's why your ass stay perched up on here all day long with all the other low grade, dick hunger, fat and slimy, welfare receiving, momma's basement living , soiled dildo closet harboring faggots.  You WISH you were as cute as me hun maybe then you'd get some real dick and some being mounted by your mother's dog. Disgusting.


That's right..new SENSATIONS, Bull.

I hope you're as crazy as you say and you find me.
You won't know what to do when you see me of course being the WEAK human you are but how I'm going to revel in helping you JOIN your father.
How I'm going to ENJOY sending you back where you belong!


Quote from: Drais. on February 17, 2016, 02:43:29 AM
FAGGOT, there is NOTHING to talk about. I don't know why you insist on posting bullshit about my facial features. They'll remain a mystery. Continue spewing gibberish sis. 

You're very fucking mad and you're gonna stay that way. Destroy him Pons!  :kii:   

FAG I saw you on ATRL. You have a big pepper bell ass nose and with some very dated ass grills for your rotten decaying ass teeth! Why are you trying to deny? Bitch you're not fucking cute!


Quote from: Bulldagger on February 17, 2016, 02:44:31 AM
Quote from: Blues trans clue on February 17, 2016, 02:36:12 AM
[youtube autoplay=1 width=1 height=1][/youtube]I notice..haha..I noticed that you love Adele sooo very much.

Wonder if her sales will be able to save the ones you love...the ones FADING into the never ending cycle of life and DEATH.
Wonder if her sales will help your loved one OVERCOME what neither of you can beat hehe
I even wonder THAT when dad falls into the tomb...will her sales be there to console your tears, FAGGOT.
I pity you.

Adele won't save you now, BOY.
While you were so busy being GAY, twirling around in your mother funky ass DSW heels in her closet.
Being the swamp borderland HOMOSEXUAL TYRANT YOU ARE.

I was pouncing on WHOLE star system, BULL!

You're UGLY and I'm not.
You're WEAK..and I'm not.
YOUR FATHER is DYING and my father RULES.
We are different and IF you still are not getting it.



You are nothing but breath and shadow snsnsnsns  :kii:
It's really adorable how you still can't quite GRASP the situation you're in.

Oh cute! dick read! fat..ghetto!
This is why you you where you are and you have to experience the death of your father.
Corny twit