Member Unappreciation: Herbie

Started by tigernathan, March 29, 2016, 05:01:22 PM

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Extremely talented, passionate and pretty funny. He definitely is a leader here and I admire his personal growth.


Prob my fave member here along with Glock & Vonc'. He's hilarious and doesn't try to be. & his Keyboard smashes are hilarious jjjjjj


Now that i'm on my laptop :justabit:

Af', I truly luv your presence on here. Looking back, I can't believe we've buttheads so much  :plzstop: but now we're just so >>><<< woo! Luv ya and I luv when you always hit with the "lil sis :omgwatshappening: " vnnvnvn

your selflessness and how open you're about yourself and life is just >>>>>>

and let's not forget the ancestry craze that go ALL of us buying those damn kits  :everythingok: ;fff

I loved reading about your journey. It's inspiring tbh.

your wit and talent :stressed:

Luv you bby.


A star in every sense of  the word.

Vibrant, Intriguing, Beautiful, Real, and Inspiring

I love that boy. An amazing spirit.
I known him for years and have grown to love him so.
We click on a lot of profound things and that's kinda hard to do here.
His life journey and spirit of ambition inspire me in ways I cant describe.

Ugh. Everything ❤️

Nyan Cat

i jus praise this fag tha othr day

no way im doin it again lols
dnt him gettin too comfy


luv u 2. ur not much different than my real life lil sis. she'll straggle my scalp on the drop of a dime :dead: :dead: especially if she feels im being ignorant. and tell me ALL about myself. but its all luv @ da end of the day. :wub: shes the first one to call me on my bullshit but the first to love me hard. <3 thank for being the first to make this thread. <3

Love all of you, thank you for the kind words in here, I read every one of the posts. and I appreciate all the luv and I genuinely care for all of you, even if I argue with you or we throw shade just know @ da end of the day I gots yo back.

all the posts were beautiful and hearfelt but i must reveal the post that absolutely touched me the most.

Quote from: whateveri love his hair!


and with that being said lol. im glad many of u know not to take me seriously 90% of the time. like at all. :dead: sdsdsddsd sdnsdnsdnsnsndsnd

and for anyone who's steam pressed, try dry cleaning instead


March 29, 2016, 11:42:39 PM #38 Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 11:54:42 PM by Rawlf
I can seriously say that I Love AF
Everything about him is incredible
So warm, loving, caring, funny, intelligent, talented, beautiful, daring-to-live by his own will
He's the only person who's been consistent with me, throughout all the years
The only person to be kind to me, wholeheartedly, the only
I wouldn't still be here, on this forum, after everything, if he wasn't here
He completes the experience, makes it feel like home, i feel comfort with him lol
Love You



awww :wub: Ralf I wuv u to bits. never ever will change. once u have my heart u have it forever.

I luv just being a "member" here now. get to mess, enjoy u guys and not worry about a server or who's reporting who :dead: :dead:

its kinda fun bein one of the gorls! LMAOROFL!




You know, after speaking with Afro via PMs, i've really understood him more as a person. I used to look at him certain way without really knowing him and I'm glad I took out the time to do so.

Hes very sweet and positive and I think he deserves to go very far. Love ha.


One of my favorite members on here

He's beyond hilarious and a very special individual

Love him


Sir BRoc DeWray

Well I heard she has a LITTLE dick...