OMG! Guys, TC ol lurking ass shades that mess atop afro's head.........LOLZ!

Started by Vonc2002, April 29, 2016, 05:10:50 PM

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Quote from: Vonc2002 on April 29, 2016, 08:36:36 PM
Yes nigga, abuse. Is my name malcolm? Since when have I tried to get a 100pg thread? I dont care about those dumb ass BSource milestones like some of these other clowns on here. U dont get to run from the shit after u've done it. I think mostly everyone in here was playing with u anyway. I still think u knew wtf u were doing but didnt want the mess to come back. Afro has been in here and if u think he hasnt ur stupid. I only made this shit because he made some shit about me just yesterday and whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Yo shady ass was just a casualty of war. U said what u needed to say in here and if u felt afro woulda felt a way u shoulda (and probably have) caontacted him. U dont get to go around changing thread titles so they read as u see fit, idgaf if u liked it or not. U coulda simply asked me and i woulda changed it cause u cool. Im not changing shit now

Everything you're talking about is neither here nor there and your post is FILLED with assumptions.

I don't care about what Malcolm does. You saying hey guys! Look at this shade! You were trying to cause mess.
And I saw that.
So I wanted out and deleted my tweet.
I thought YOU were joking as well until you got pissed because all I did was remove MY name from your thread title  :uhh:

Like I said you can keep my name. And Afro ain't giving you a response nor will TC. Lol so this thread is kinda pointless now  :dead:

And why should I have to ASK you to remove my name when if you do all this ASSUMING about everything else ? Common damn sense woulda said well young clearly said several times he wants no parts in this,So obviously he wouldn't want his name in the TITLE of the thread.
Like get a clue, let's not play DUMB Hun.

And if you wanna call a thing a THING; the ONLY reason why you added my name was because you saw Afro paid this thread and didn't give you the satisfaction of a response. So now you're telling yourself that he saw the thread because it didn't pan out the way you thought it would.

This thread kinda FLOPPED if we really gonna keep it funky.

And like I said I would never start mess at YOUR expense because I like and respect you but clearly we feel differently about each other or just operate differently





Quote from: Young on April 29, 2016, 08:45:36 PM
Quote from: Vonc2002 on April 29, 2016, 08:36:36 PM
Yes nigga, abuse. Is my name malcolm? Since when have I tried to get a 100pg thread? I dont care about those dumb ass BSource milestones like some of these other clowns on here. U dont get to run from the shit after u've done it. I think mostly everyone in here was playing with u anyway. I still think u knew wtf u were doing but didnt want the mess to come back. Afro has been in here and if u think he hasnt ur stupid. I only made this shit because he made some shit about me just yesterday and whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Yo shady ass was just a casualty of war. U said what u needed to say in here and if u felt afro woulda felt a way u shoulda (and probably have) caontacted him. U dont get to go around changing thread titles so they read as u see fit, idgaf if u liked it or not. U coulda simply asked me and i woulda changed it cause u cool. Im not changing shit now

Everything you're talking about is neither here nor there and your post is FILLED with assumptions.

I don't care about what Malcolm does. You saying hey guys! Look at this shade! You were trying to cause mess.
And I saw that.
So I wanted out and deleted my tweet.
I thought YOU were joking as well until you got pissed because all I did was remove MY name from your thread title  :uhh:

Like I said you can keep my name. And Afro ain't giving you a response nor will TC. Lol so this thread is kinda pointless now  :dead:

And why should I have to ASK you to remove my name when if you do all this ASSUMING about everything else ? Common damn sense woulda said well young clearly said several times he wants no parts in this,So obviously he wouldn't want his name in the TITLE of the thread.
Like get a clue, let's not play DUMB Hun.

And if you wanna call a thing a THING; the ONLY reason why you added my name was because you saw Afro paid this thread and didn't give you the satisfaction of a response. So now you're telling yourself that he saw the thread because it didn't pan out the way you thought it would.

This thread kinda FLOPPED if we really gonna keep it funky.

And like I said I would never start mess at YOUR expense because I like and respect you but clearly we feel differently about each other or just operate differently
Who gives a fck about a "flopped" thread, especially considering this one is on page 20+. Nigga how many times have we put someone's name in a thread as a joke. I did just that because it wasnt that serious and I was actually just laughing. I definitely knew that tweet was about about afro INSTANTLY (as did u), so yea I did post it here being shady. Do u think that's a secret to anyone in here, foo.  I dont need afro to come in here. Im not hard up for a back n forth. Ur feeling guilty so ur skating around in here doing your whole aloof act and its hilarious. U retweeted the mess, u got caught, the end.
This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw


 If that's what you need to tell yourself to justify what you did In Here that's fine.

But I find it funny that you don't care about "flop" threads yet that was the first point you felt the need to bring up in your response AND then defending its current count. Lol

Like I said I told you what happened.
If you don't believe it, fine.

And IF my name was in the thread as a joke then me removing my name shouldn't have mattered. Instead, you got mad, cussed me out, and made an even worse title. Now I'm somehow fake and messy.

Like I said, I'm not mad, but I don't get it..
Cuz I don't get down like that. I wouldn't do that to you.


Im not gon keep going back and forth about this with u, believe what the fck u want. I wanted a hit thread, I wanted afro to come in and respond, and I added ur name cause THAT surely woulda got him in here :dead:
U keep telling yourself all that while continuing to tap dance around the fact that you're fake and have been proven as such. Let's see if u'll respond and give me this hit thread that I so desperately want :kii:
This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw


Quote from: Vonc2002 on April 29, 2016, 09:02:29 PM
Im not gon keep going back and forth about this with u, believe what the fck u want. I wanted a hit thread, I wanted afro to come in and respond, and I added ur name cause THAT surely woulda got him in here :dead:
U keep telling yourself all that while continuing to tap dance around the fact that you're fake and have been proven as such. Let's see if u'll respond and give me this hit thread that I so desperately want :kii:

I'm always gonna respond to you because you're talking to me.
And I respect you. Like I said.
The point is you can believe what you want about the tweet.
And I can believe what I want about your intentions on creating the thread.
Let's agree to disagree on that.

The point of this whole rift between you and I at the moment is that I did not appreciate being added to the title because clearly you know Afro and I like each other as well. So I felt like that was disrespectful and rude to completely ignore that and use my name in the title AFTER I said several times in HERE that I didn't want parts in your mess. (For some reason you needed a PM telling you that putting my name in the title was a bad idea :uhh: ) THEN once I removed my name from your "joke" you proceeded to get upset with me and tell me I'm abusing my privileges as a mod when you KNOW my intention was to just remove myself from the thread not to abuse my power. I left everything else in the title in SPITE of my respect for Afro and what the thread was about. So u can save that lil complaint.

Just Dropped In To See What Condition My Condition Was In

I am scarred, so fucking scarred
These are the scars of me
The very fucking scars of me
This is my tragic heart
My tragic heart

-Me "Tragic Heart"