Storm & Jean Grey VS. Emma Frost & Scarlet Witch

Started by Bentley!, August 05, 2015, 06:13:52 PM

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Remember gorls
Storm and Scarlett are Alpha level, but potentially Omega
Emma always seems to get in Jean's ass even tho Jean is supposedly stronger

Who ya got?


storm is omega luv

it was confirm finally las yr but it always been known


When did they confirm?!!!!

Marvel doesn't really like powerful womens outside of Jean
they made that phagg Iceman Omega before Ororo



r yall forgettin wanda BOOKED real'ty b'fore
tha gurl has POWER
its jus unpredictable

does house of M ring a bells


Quote from: Black Cristal on August 05, 2015, 06:17:24 PM
Yeh Storm IS Omega!

Storm books them all honestly. She could go toe-to-toe with Thor at full potential.

This is ridiculous. Storm and Jean would book them!

am mean... Storm is Kwee'

But Scarle' and Em' kinda BOOK tew

I can see them taking Jean owt and trying to jump storm

plus the fact that Scarle' would be able to negate some of the effects of Goddess' power makes her a good match



Quote from: Plank on August 05, 2015, 06:14:37 PM
storm is omega luv

it was confirm finally las yr but it always been known

I was wondering when they would finally confirm it.
I never understood why Iceman was and she wasn't.


Quote from: Bentley! on August 05, 2015, 06:18:39 PM
When did they confirm?!!!!

Marvel doesn't really like powerful womens outside of Jean
they made that phagg Iceman Omega before Ororo
it was sum random x-book las yr

they rlly aint wann' do it


Jean just kinda... doesn't DO it for me anymore
they've alway described her as SO powerfuls but... she's so weak with it, damsel in distress

I think Psylocke and Emma would both BOOK her


plus wasn't Emma even fucking Jean's man for a couple years

Jean is a punk


Storm is omega though.

That type she turned into that being of fire, ice, and lighting in space.


They need to give us phaggs a Storm movie
for all the times I stood on top of the monkey bars and HURLED rocks down like hail at the boys

and switched back to the classroom afterwards
:supluv: :supluv: :supluv:
