How Do You Feel About Your Man Verbally Saying Another Guy Is Foine?

Started by Aalonso., January 22, 2017, 08:32:06 PM

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It doesn't really bother me. Most men are visual creatures and they're gonna look at other men/women no matter what they say.     


I don't see the problem in saying someone is attractive. I do it.
But if they are going on like WHEW! so damn sex' omf! would hit

then.... there's a damn problem.



i say people are cute all the time when we're out

if it becomes 'WOO i wanna fuck them LOLZ' -- problem.


Quote from: Baphomet. on January 22, 2017, 08:36:03 PM
I don't see the problem in saying someone is attractive. I do it.
But if they are going on like WHEW! so damn sex' omf! would hit

then.... there's a damn problem.
:dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: bitchhhhhh



I definitely accept this
Because I would rather him tell me than feel it inside and keep it to himself
I just wanna be with someone we can discuss other attractive people and not be afraid

Only a fool would think their other half won't find someone else attractive
Even if ur a baddie


Quote from: GRAND SUPREME MARSHALL on January 22, 2017, 08:38:19 PM
Quote from: Baphomet. on January 22, 2017, 08:36:03 PM
I don't see the problem in saying someone is attractive. I do it.
But if they are going on like WHEW! so damn sex' omf! would hit

then.... there's a damn problem.
:dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: bitchhhhhh

Twins  :stressed:

Eternal Bell

am means...can say watever tha fck he wants

anybody can be fine...but they cant be me  :justabit:


It doesn't bother me as long as he doesn't take it beyond that.


Quote from: glock on January 22, 2017, 08:39:17 PM

I just wanna be with someone we can discuss other attractive people and not be afraid


What the   



It bothers me, I feel it's disrespect because of a dude in my past that was a cheater but I overlooked

So I do give a side-eye knowing it's just me

But it hasn't happened yet with men, he's said certain females are sexy and it sorta creates a  :nowgorl: moment
