am I the only one who doesn't care about ancestry?

Started by throwintheTAL, September 30, 2015, 12:18:57 PM

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Quote from: Kurama on September 30, 2015, 10:29:24 PM
It's just so fuckin ironic and rich to hear people  who were just condeming Black people for their behaviors while undermining the struggles they face in America a FEW months ago, try to lecture or harp on other's about what they feel it means to be Black or the importance of the word/ethnicity.

Forgive me, but if y'all don't get the fuck out of here!  :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop:

and "BLACK" isn't a word just for African Americans it is used internationally to describe people with a certain pigmentation.

jhjhhhhh whats going on....let me go back a few pages


September 30, 2015, 10:47:43 PM #331 Last Edit: September 30, 2015, 10:49:02 PM by Herb.
Quote from: throwintheTAL on September 30, 2015, 10:43:35 PM
I guess I'm just confused how knowing your ancestor's races will help you in life
It's not my ancestor's ethnic makeup or race.
If I tested my grandmother, hers would greatly differ from mine, I'm sure.
This is my DNA. My blood. My race. My ancestors contributed to it obviously, but this is my truth.

It has helped me in life. It has forced me to see Africa as something more than I saw it as.
And I am excited to be heading there to visit. Knowing exactly where to go. And being surrounded by people who look just like me.

I feel connected and as if I have an identity beyond the confines of "being black". Does this or would this mean something for everyone? That is up to them to decide.

I can only share my takeaway from the experience. Yours, if any, could vary.


Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 10:19:11 PM
Quote from: iman on September 30, 2015, 10:13:23 PM
Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 10:00:36 PM
Quote from: iman on September 30, 2015, 09:53:21 PM
Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 09:37:04 PM
Quote from: iman on September 30, 2015, 09:07:23 PM
Young really went in :stressed:

That part about people asking "where you're from" or "are you black" is so true.
I get that all the time and when I tell them they're like "Oh yea, I could tell you weren't just -- regular black" :uhh:
lil sis :stressed:

My big sis was JUST talking about this not too long ago.

She sees herself as "just" a black woman, but someone is always asking what she is.  :plzstop: I think she was getting confused with it so she finally ranted.

It's just so funny that she made this post AFTER I took my DNA test (which I didn't tell her about), and was awaiting my results. I was so happy when I could share them with her.

!!! it's so common too. Like they assume just because you look different, pretty or small features that you're not black. And for some strange reason even when I tell certain ppl they assume I'm not black and will say some lowkey racist shit towards blacks. Just last week some Asian lady at Nordstorms asked my mom and I where we were from and we told her she was like "Oh oh, not black!" and did that hand gesture when you don't want something and was like I could tell by your light skin" and laughed fjfjfj I was so shocked.

Btw your sister is stunning  :flamebroiled:

I was doing research on Ethiopia and was stunned at how many tones, hairs, etc. are in that country. I would love to see you GODman :stressed: :stressed: i am sure u fucking SLAY. ethiopian woman are known for just doing that. :supluv: :plzstop: :'( :'( :'( :'(

lil sis indeed :ohwow: :ohwow:

i've already decided i'm going to ethiopia. next year it's a fucking date. :howfestive:  :sobusyjetsetter:

Thanks luv  :plzstop:

waiiit so you're really going  :-o when do you plan on going?
Summer 2016. I am so fucking excited.

It's such a blessing to be able to connect myself to places in Africa.

I never had a reason to go before. It was "just" Africa.

Yes, we are "black", but people forget it's just another word for African American.
We know all about the American, there is NO harm in getting in tune a bit with the Africa part.

And I am thankful to know my great grandmother's native roots right here in North Carolina with the Lumbee tribe. I'm going to plan something maybe with my grandmother, the blood is obviously much stronger in her and although she knows her family mess VERY can tell that she's excited that I am actually able to confirm it.

Which goes to prove that it's one thing to HEAR, it's another thing to KNOW. She knows for a fact who her mother was, because bits of Chief are strong enough to be detected in her grandchild. She wants to get tested now. :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop:

and of course Imma fucking oblige! :cheerup:

I'm so excited for you :loose2when: I can't wait to go, it's going to be special

get ready to experience a life changing journey omff

but yesss get your Gran the DNA test. I bet you're going to learn much more. I plan on getting my mom one and maybe dad. ;fff

Btw, I know this is random but you and Young are showing so much growth and awareness. I love it.  :wub: :wub: :wub:


Quote from: throwintheTAL on September 30, 2015, 10:43:35 PM
I guess I'm just confused how knowing your ancestor's races will help you in life


i wanna see your test results...

i predict 80% charcoal , 15% soot and a dash of Togolese...  :ttlo:



Quote from: iman on September 30, 2015, 10:50:26 PM
Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 10:19:11 PM
Quote from: iman on September 30, 2015, 10:13:23 PM
Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 10:00:36 PM
Quote from: iman on September 30, 2015, 09:53:21 PM
Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 09:37:04 PM
Quote from: iman on September 30, 2015, 09:07:23 PM
Young really went in :stressed:

That part about people asking "where you're from" or "are you black" is so true.
I get that all the time and when I tell them they're like "Oh yea, I could tell you weren't just -- regular black" :uhh:
lil sis :stressed:

My big sis was JUST talking about this not too long ago.

She sees herself as "just" a black woman, but someone is always asking what she is.  :plzstop: I think she was getting confused with it so she finally ranted.

It's just so funny that she made this post AFTER I took my DNA test (which I didn't tell her about), and was awaiting my results. I was so happy when I could share them with her.

!!! it's so common too. Like they assume just because you look different, pretty or small features that you're not black. And for some strange reason even when I tell certain ppl they assume I'm not black and will say some lowkey racist shit towards blacks. Just last week some Asian lady at Nordstorms asked my mom and I where we were from and we told her she was like "Oh oh, not black!" and did that hand gesture when you don't want something and was like I could tell by your light skin" and laughed fjfjfj I was so shocked.

Btw your sister is stunning  :flamebroiled:

I was doing research on Ethiopia and was stunned at how many tones, hairs, etc. are in that country. I would love to see you GODman :stressed: :stressed: i am sure u fucking SLAY. ethiopian woman are known for just doing that. :supluv: :plzstop: :'( :'( :'( :'(

lil sis indeed :ohwow: :ohwow:

i've already decided i'm going to ethiopia. next year it's a fucking date. :howfestive:  :sobusyjetsetter:

Thanks luv  :plzstop:

waiiit so you're really going  :-o when do you plan on going?
Summer 2016. I am so fucking excited.

It's such a blessing to be able to connect myself to places in Africa.

I never had a reason to go before. It was "just" Africa.

Yes, we are "black", but people forget it's just another word for African American.
We know all about the American, there is NO harm in getting in tune a bit with the Africa part.

And I am thankful to know my great grandmother's native roots right here in North Carolina with the Lumbee tribe. I'm going to plan something maybe with my grandmother, the blood is obviously much stronger in her and although she knows her family mess VERY can tell that she's excited that I am actually able to confirm it.

Which goes to prove that it's one thing to HEAR, it's another thing to KNOW. She knows for a fact who her mother was, because bits of Chief are strong enough to be detected in her grandchild. She wants to get tested now. :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop:

and of course Imma fucking oblige! :cheerup:

I'm so excited for you :loose2when: I can't wait to go, it's going to be special

get ready to experience a life changing journey omff

but yesss get your Gran the DNA test. I bet you're going to learn much more. I plan on getting my mom one and maybe dad. ;fff

Btw, I know this is random but you and Young are showing so much growth and awareness. I love it.  :wub: :wub: :wub:
i cannot wait

perched there looking at my lil sis' and bro's walking around :stressed: :stressed:

fuck europe tbh :uhh: i've been there enough. time to switch it up anyway.

and thank u lil sis :wub: i honestly think once i really dug into some documentaries and really took time to educate myself....i was forced to see so many things differently. i'm just thankful to God that I was not eternally stubborn.


Quote from: Kurama on September 30, 2015, 10:44:21 PM
Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 10:41:31 PM
Let me just say...

I am not here to judge anyone on their desire to learn their ancestry. There's no right or wrong in this, IMO. So to accuse those who are interested of being overzealous in some way, and those who aren't of ignorance, to me is pointless. Views are subject to change. Opinions are subject to change. And that goes for both sides of the fence. I may go to Ethiopia next year, come back and decide that I no longer give a flying fuck. It happens.

For those who have found inspiration through my discoveries, I am so happy for you. For those who don't see the point to it all, that is totally your outlook, which are you entitled to. You're not wrong for thinking that, in my book. It's just kind of concerning when people go out of their way to make others feel bad for wanting to discover their family history. Or acting as if its a matter of little importance.

Speak on what's important to you, personally. Don't attempt to dictate what the scenario must be for others. And I will do the same. That's my idea of respect, flawed or naive as it may seem.

I respect this.
Respect ur bahvey & fckn bathe.   


Quote from: Kurama on September 30, 2015, 10:44:21 PM
Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 10:41:31 PM
Let me just say...

I am not here to judge anyone on their desire to learn their ancestry. There's no right or wrong in this, IMO. So to accuse those who are interested of being overzealous in some way, and those who aren't of ignorance, to me is pointless. Views are subject to change. Opinions are subject to change. And that goes for both sides of the fence. I may go to Ethiopia next year, come back and decide that I no longer give a flying fuck. It happens.

For those who have found inspiration through my discoveries, I am so happy for you. For those who don't see the point to it all, that is totally your outlook, which are you entitled to. You're not wrong for thinking that, in my book. It's just kind of concerning when people go out of their way to make others feel bad for wanting to discover their family history. Or acting as if its a matter of little importance.

Speak on what's important to you, personally. Don't attempt to dictate what the scenario must be for others. And I will do the same. That's my idea of respect, flawed or naive as it may seem.

I respect this.

I just see a lot of fighting in here, when it's just one of those things that can change for anyone at any time. Calm down bvy boos. :stressed: Just press on and do you!!!!!!!


im gonna press tht shae moisture bottle up ur damns boovy hole


Quote from: Kurama on September 30, 2015, 10:31:30 PM
And yeah thx,

where Lonz go what's up?

Not an experience being a fuckin reduction while a nationality isn't  :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:


Quote from: Drais. on September 30, 2015, 10:59:58 PM
Quote from: Kurama on September 30, 2015, 10:44:21 PM
Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 10:41:31 PM
Let me just say...

I am not here to judge anyone on their desire to learn their ancestry. There's no right or wrong in this, IMO. So to accuse those who are interested of being overzealous in some way, and those who aren't of ignorance, to me is pointless. Views are subject to change. Opinions are subject to change. And that goes for both sides of the fence. I may go to Ethiopia next year, come back and decide that I no longer give a flying fuck. It happens.

For those who have found inspiration through my discoveries, I am so happy for you. For those who don't see the point to it all, that is totally your outlook, which are you entitled to. You're not wrong for thinking that, in my book. It's just kind of concerning when people go out of their way to make others feel bad for wanting to discover their family history. Or acting as if its a matter of little importance.

Speak on what's important to you, personally. Don't attempt to dictate what the scenario must be for others. And I will do the same. That's my idea of respect, flawed or naive as it may seem.

I respect this.
Respect ur bahvey & fckn bathe.   

Fucking fag


Quote from: Plankesha on September 30, 2015, 11:05:05 PM
im gonna press tht shae moisture bottle up ur damns boovy hole


Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 10:47:43 PM
Quote from: throwintheTAL on September 30, 2015, 10:43:35 PM
I guess I'm just confused how knowing your ancestor's races will help you in life
It's not my ancestor's ethnic makeup or race.
If I tested my grandmother, hers would greatly differ from mine, I'm sure.
This is my DNA. My blood. My race. My ancestors contributed to it obviously, but this is my truth.

It has helped me in life. It has forced me to see Africa as something more than I saw it as.
And I am excited to be heading there to visit. Knowing exactly where to go. And being surrounded by people who look just like me.

nigga, they gon slice you out a bit with a bayonet, and roast you over the fire that keeps their huts warm :plzstop:


Quote from: Emma Frost on September 30, 2015, 11:06:04 PM
Quote from: Drais. on September 30, 2015, 10:59:58 PM
Quote from: Kurama on September 30, 2015, 10:44:21 PM
Quote from: Herb. on September 30, 2015, 10:41:31 PM
Let me just say...

I am not here to judge anyone on their desire to learn their ancestry. There's no right or wrong in this, IMO. So to accuse those who are interested of being overzealous in some way, and those who aren't of ignorance, to me is pointless. Views are subject to change. Opinions are subject to change. And that goes for both sides of the fence. I may go to Ethiopia next year, come back and decide that I no longer give a flying fuck. It happens.

For those who have found inspiration through my discoveries, I am so happy for you. For those who don't see the point to it all, that is totally your outlook, which are you entitled to. You're not wrong for thinking that, in my book. It's just kind of concerning when people go out of their way to make others feel bad for wanting to discover their family history. Or acting as if its a matter of little importance.

Speak on what's important to you, personally. Don't attempt to dictate what the scenario must be for others. And I will do the same. That's my idea of respect, flawed or naive as it may seem.

I respect this.
Respect ur bahvey & fckn bathe.   

I'm a Fucking fag
Wow yeah