faggs fight

Started by throwintheTAL, October 02, 2015, 08:33:52 PM

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marg you're a vicious, viperous faggot...just be that way

dont try and change


October 03, 2015, 01:29:14 PM #256 Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 01:30:49 PM by SUPREME
Quote from: Herb. on October 03, 2015, 12:47:25 PM
Quote from: SUPREME on October 03, 2015, 07:31:19 AM
Quote from: garlic on October 03, 2015, 12:13:16 AM
Quote from: Herb. on October 03, 2015, 12:09:37 AM
Quote from: Bentley! on October 02, 2015, 09:51:29 PM
You know what tho
Af is booking the gorls with the higher road lately
I honestly am inspired, positivity really is infectious
I've been using it in my everyday life, and I breathe so much easier
Just saw this post.

So glad I could inspire you, my love.
And I'm happy it's yielding results for you. This is amazing, thank you for sharing. I appreciate it.
You've just inspired me as well just with your words.

yeah, i agree. i don't see whats so fun about waking up everyday to log on to a message board and reading someone... i mean, i would hate to look back at my life 20 years from now and only be able to remember moments on bsource posting reads.
:kii: :kii: :kii: :kii:

You guys kill me after you stop getting into a little mess for 5 minutes like suddenly you've found the meaning of life and bsource mess is beneath the earth.

I'll never judge anyone for being messy. Not everyone will have their cutoff point at the same time. I love my BSource bvys, unconditionally. Which is why I log in on a regular basis. And I still have my fun. No one's above anyone here. We all have our individual trials, challenges and triumphs in life. But if mess is brought my way I simply can't get too deep into it now. For the sake of my own personal space. And that's a personal decision, it really has so little do to with BSource, even though the change is apparent here.
oh no

I was specifically addressing garlic


Even though you've been taking the 'higher road' lately, you don't deny that you have/will getting into mess when necessary. And I think that's fine and admirable.

But targeting Talisa specifically, all while in the same thread they were trying to attack her like for not much reason, is the same shit he was just spewing.



Yeah. Why?

Moral is: get over yourself.


October 03, 2015, 01:36:22 PM #257 Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 01:37:08 PM by Herb.
I see. You know I love you all so I'm going to plead  the fifth on this one.

And thank you. I'm glad you understand me preme. The last thing I want to do is come off as condescending. How can you reach out to others or genuinely affect them in a positive manner if you're looking down on them, as opposed to reaching out? Or at least moving toward some sort of resolution, when necessary. Or simply setting an example. Actions speak so much louder than words.

Love you. foine african self


Quote from: Herb. on October 03, 2015, 01:36:22 PM
How can you reach out to others or genuinely affect them in a positive manner if you're looking down on them


October 03, 2015, 01:42:36 PM #259 Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 01:43:16 PM by SUPREME
Thats all i was saying though.

Love and peace guys. And stay outta mess. It's ridiculous and there's more to life than that! I mean it! Even though i just dragged a faggot 2 weeks ago.


i look down on all of u



The "change" people are seeing here in me is simply a reflection of how I am in my everyday life. I am not a combative person, or one who takes delight in others' sorrow and pain. If this isn't me offline, why should it be me online.

As I said to someone who I spoke with via PMs this morning, there was a reason for me separating myself from "Ken Dahl" and "Afro the BSource administrator". It's about getting back to Herbert. And making sure my foundation is strong before I add any flooring to my house.

This is why you guys have seen me interested in ancestry. This is why you see me in pictures with my real hair, and not a wig. This is why you see an abbreviation of my real name as my username on here. It's an effort to form consistency in my life.

Many wonder where the sudden change came from, but if you really look at the events and decisions I've made from the end of the last year until now, it's anything but sudden. And I am still working on it. Because there are moments in which I feel I could do things a little better. But I am proud of myself, nonetheless.

I am happy that my journey has inspired others. And I never want anyone here to feel like I am separating myself from you guys. I am still here, faithfully, every day. It's just that I've chosen to conduct myself in a different manner, not for the show of it, but for personal reasons.

But you will never find me going from thread to thread and dictating how others should behave. And if you need me, just reach out to me, I've actually had some wonderful conversations with 3 members throughout the morning via PMs.

I was happy to be able to share my insecurities, triumphs and experiences with them, as they did with me. Its needless to reiterate how much I love you all. But I will say it again, over and over. I love you unconditionally.


I'm not referring to you, if it seems they way.


I do agree that change is great though.


Quote from: SUPREME on October 03, 2015, 02:15:18 PM
I'm not referring to you, if it seems they way.


I do agree that change is great though.
I know you weren't. :wub: :wub:

Just addressing a more general consensus.


You've been talking to your sister a lot huh?


October 03, 2015, 03:27:50 PM #266 Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 03:33:07 PM by Herb.
Quote from: Kurama on October 03, 2015, 03:14:10 PM
You've been talking to your sister a lot huh?
She definitely comes and books me when it comes to things about myself.

But the self discovery is something that came from within. I made it my own business to watch documentaries on slavery, institutional racism. There was one session in particular which encouraged me to get back into school. My research reminded me of how important it is to educate yourself. And I felt very ignorant for many things I said in the past.

I even reached out to Yummy and thanked him for helping to enlighten me, for it was our many arguments and debates on BSource which forced me to delve deeper into the whole topic. So that's why I am surprised when he accuses me of a "suspicious" interest in black pride. This has been building for months.

I am very proud to be able to connect myself to a place in Africa. Being able to identify with and see people who look a lot like me, everything from their hair to their eyes, to their skin, to their eyebrows, it's an amazing feeling. I don't expect everyone to understand that. And as I stated before, I will not judge anyone who doesn't take an interest in genealogical research. It's one of those things where there's really no right or wrong.

Furthermore, I will never judge anyone who doesn't feel the same as I do, in general. On any topic. Because I will be the first one to admit that months ago, I was clearly ignorant and had no interest in researching slavery, black pride, or anything of the sort. So when people treat me as if I am simply portraying something and trying to erase my history, that's kind of offensive. It is a very serious accusation.  Which is why I move to correct them.


Quote from: Herb. on October 03, 2015, 03:27:50 PM
Quote from: Kurama on October 03, 2015, 03:14:10 PM
You've been talking to your sister a lot huh?
She definitely comes and books me when it comes to things about myself.

But the self discovery is something that came from within. I made it my own business to watch documentaries on slavery, institutional racism. There was one session in particular which encouraged me to get back into school. My research reminded me of how important it is to educate yourself. And I felt very ignorant for many things I said in the past.

I even reached out to Yummy and thanked him for helping to enlighten me, for it was our many arguments and debates on BSource which forced me to delve deeper into the whole topic. So that's why I am surprised when he accuses me of a "suspicious" interest in black pride. This has been building for months.

I am very proud to be able to connect myself to a place in Africa. Being able to identify with and see people who look a lot like me, everything from their hair to their eyes, to their skin, to their eyebrows, it's an amazing feeling. I don't expect everyone to understand that. And as I stated before, I will not judge anyone who doesn't take an interest in genealogical research. It's one of those things where there's really no right or wrong.

Furthermore, I will never judge anyone who doesn't feel the same as I do, in general. On any topic. Because I will be the first one to admit that months ago, I was clearly ignorant and had no interest in researching slavery, black pride, or anything of the sort. So when people treat me as if I am simply portraying something and trying to erase my history, that's kind of offensive. It is a very serious accusation.  Which is why I move to correct them.

reminds me of the first paragraph of an essay i wrote discussing some works of zora neale hurston...

QuoteBetween me and America ?there is ever an unasked question? How does it feel to be a problem (Du Bois 1)?? My identity as a black American man in the 21st century is jumbled in a systematic deceptive caldron of hopes, dreams, expectations and statistics. America, the land of the free and the brave, does not wish for me to succeed?because how could I succeed if I am restricted from learning how to do so from my Black fathers and mothers before me? In her autobiography, Dust Tracks On A Road, Zora Neale Hurston wrote, ?Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. It is a seeking that he who wishes may know the cosmic secrets of the world and they that dwell therein? (Dust 174). The African American suffers from a paucity of culture at the hands of the tyrants they are taught to praise as leaders. These tyrant advocate a system that legislates the snatching of the African American culture, like candy taken from a child?s hands, and places it high on a mountain top, where it awaits only those who dare scale the dangerous peaks. The rewards and benisons of a semester of course work on Zora Neale Hurston have granted me the means not to have to scale that far up the slopes to discover more about my identity as an African American, because this is a culture Hurston has already uncovered, preserved and left for people like me to unravel from her
web of folklore. It is my purpose to poke and pry into Hurston's works to discover what practices have given the African American strength to survive bondage for hundreds of years. I would like to discover what makes my identity as an African American especially powerful.


Cinnabun :stressed:

that booked.


Quote from: Herb. on October 03, 2015, 03:44:04 PM
Cinnabun :stressed:

that booked.

thanks luv. i wrote it some time ago. i think you should definitely read some zora neale hurston novels. she is the queen of researching hertiage.