Tina Knowles: I Taught My Daughters ?From Day One? That Black Is Beautiful

Started by Ashley Bank$, July 29, 2017, 03:16:13 AM

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It's funny how black people are conditioned to believe that we just have to say BLACK when talking about ourselves.  What the hell is "African American"?  Stop.  I grew up around white people, and they always were throwing around their mess.

"Oh, I'm Norwegian with a little Irish!"

"I'm part Swedish, German, and a smidge of Serbian!"

But it's always an eye roll when black people rep and break down their mess.  What kinda self hate & ignorance?  Unfortunately, because of slavery, most of us don't know shit about where we come from.  So, I'm starting to appreciate people like Afro really trying to understand who they are and where their family lineage originates.


Quote from: Usher has Herpes on July 31, 2017, 03:25:18 PM

They could have put "100% African American" for Bey too.

I've ALWAYS felt this way. Ugh ... our struggle is real




Quote from: Baph al Mana. on July 31, 2017, 03:00:01 PM
Quote from: GUCCI. on July 31, 2017, 02:58:51 PM
L'Oreal used to be a MESS.

The way they dubbed her voice with a white woman at 0:29.  :omf:

WHAT THE FUCK  :kii: I have never seen this before in my life

There's like 2 more like that.  They really used to TRY it!

:uhh: :kii:

Eternal Bell

Quote from: GUCCI. on July 31, 2017, 02:58:51 PM
L'Oreal used to be a MESS.

The way they dubbed her voice with a white woman at 0:29.  :omf:



Eternal Bell

Quote from: Baph al Mana. on July 31, 2017, 03:31:24 PM
Quote from: GUCCI. on July 31, 2017, 03:29:11 PM
Quote from: Usher has Herpes on July 31, 2017, 03:25:18 PM

They could have put "100% African American" for Bey too.

You are so DUMB and ignorant.


malc' been edgy all day


Quote from: GUCCI. on July 31, 2017, 03:27:59 PM
It's funny how black people are conditioned to believe that we just have to say BLACK when talking about ourselves.  What the hell is "African American"?  Stop.  I grew up around white people, and they always were throwing around their mess.

"Oh, I'm Norwegian with a little Irish!"

"I'm part Swedish, German, and a smidge of Serbian!"

But it's always an eye roll when black people rep and break down their mess.  What kinda self hate & ignorance?  Unfortunately, because of slavery, most of us don't know shit about where we come from.  So, I'm starting to appreciate people like Afro really trying to understand who they are and where their family lineage originates.


Black people are just....ugh. The pits!


Quote from: land of punt. on July 31, 2017, 03:51:03 PM
Quote from: Corporate Cannibal. on July 31, 2017, 03:31:29 PM
Quote from: GUCCI. on July 31, 2017, 03:27:59 PM
It's funny how black people are conditioned to believe that we just have to say BLACK when talking about ourselves.  What the hell is "African American"?  Stop.  I grew up around white people, and they always were throwing around their mess.

"Oh, I'm Norwegian with a little Irish!"

"I'm part Swedish, German, and a smidge of Serbian!"

But it's always an eye roll when black people rep and break down their mess.  What kinda self hate & ignorance?  Unfortunately, because of slavery, most of us don't know shit about where we come from.  So, I'm starting to appreciate people like Afro really trying to understand who they are and where their family lineage originates.

Now THIS is true.

When a white person says it it's, "Oh ok cool!"

Soon as someone black says it it's "girrrrrllllll..." kgjhlb
I think it's because there are many AA's who just claim anything to be non-Black.
I've seen people who appear to have no GENUINE interest in their family history or research but just want to seem exotic.

Bow Wow is a perfect example. Talking about how his grandmother was NOT BLACK at all.
Just purposely trying his best to distance himself from Blackness, as opposed to celebrating other pieces of his heritage.

Those are the type of people who give those with genuine interest a bad name.

And, honestly I've definitely seen people look @ White people like  :ermm: :unsure: when they start talking about Irish and German , etc. Ultimately some people are like... "So yeah, u white?  :ummwhat: "

If they don't see anything noticeably different about the person from other White people they'll fall to sleep pretty quickly as they explain their heritage.

They definitely booked Blake Lively for claiming Cherokee. sss


"Girl u just white :omf: " is pretty much a summation of the articles I've seen on this



Quote from: GUCCI. on July 31, 2017, 02:58:51 PM
L'Oreal used to be a MESS.

The way they dubbed her voice with a white woman at 0:29.  :omf:

Not "Step out of the dark" in this dubbed White woman voice :plzstop:


I posted the pic as a joke guys, as I've done several times in the past. :uhh:


And I'm sure Bey has a sense of Black pride to a certain degree, but that didn't stop sis from getting that Negro nose shaved down.


Y'all remember this mess?

Only to find out years later her father wasn't white. :kii:


Her attitude really is disgusting!