not the world paying Surviving R Kelly Part 2 DUST

Started by Marilyn, January 02, 2020, 10:12:11 PM

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Bentley. HARRIS!

Quote from: L0NZ. on January 03, 2020, 07:00:22 AM
Quote from: .::VanDerSléìgh.Rules::. on January 03, 2020, 06:32:28 AM

I will never understand how he wasn't cancelled after the Aaliyah mess. It should've been curtains then and there. It just goes back to black ppl (STILL) thinking girls are fast and seduce these "men"  :uhh:

Yea she was booed at shows and producers didnt want to work with her for OIAM. She needed that FACE/smile and intrinsic inner glow to mask it all because I know she was dealing with trauma too like any teen girl would. And in the public eye. but she did her thing.
Has her brother or Diane spoken on any of this?

That's the only thing I hate. It's clearly something she was ok with keeping a private part of her life.

But at the same time, I feel like she would be happy all these girls are getting justice.

You think she would have eventually aired him out?

Bentley. HARRIS!

Im also all for this dragging out. I don't even want the verdict read yet.

He needs to live this for years

I'm reading some of the lyrics to AANBAN in context .... :uhh:

He's a sick genius all the way down to Pied Piper

and even 12 Play which seemed to be his age of choice


Quote from: ssw4919 on January 03, 2020, 09:39:26 AM
Quote from: L0NZ. on January 03, 2020, 09:00:20 AM
I don't think they realized her innocence needed protection.

That's a parent's job, though.  At all times.  :-/

It'd be one thing if Aaliyah were a boy, but girls didn't dress like men and wear their jewelry unless it meant something romantic.  A teen girl calling a grown man a best friend is abnormal.  How could that not make a parent go  :usureuok:  :diddraispoot: ?

Dude had a hypersexual musical persona and their daughter was (in their minds) a "sexy" young girl who strongly admired him.  Anyone looking at them (the fans, media) felt there was something going on.  I just don't see how they could be that oblivious.  The idea that no one knew he was a monster isn't true.  People in Chicago knew about his habits of hanging around young girls, in high school parking lots, etc.  If they were around Aaliyah enough in the studio, they had to have seen or heard something.

Best case scenario, IMO, is that they knew there was an attraction between them but thought he wouldn't dare cross a line because of Barry, or some other reason.  And Aaliyah wouldn't cross a line because she was their good girl daughter.  So they allowed the inappropriate mess because if he was attracted to her, they thought it meant he would ultimately help her career, so why not exploit it?  Maybe they thought only "fast" girls would do something like that.

In that article her dad had after the marriage became public, he made it seem like Diane and Barry did things to put Li at risk, and that he put his foot down to protect her after that when he took more of an active role.  That was when Li started going everywhere with bodyguards. 

Either way, I feel horrible for Aaliyah and I wish people were around her to protect her and prioritize that over everything else.

fair points


Quote from: Bentley. A Moderator. on January 03, 2020, 10:15:36 AM
Quote from: L0NZ. on January 03, 2020, 07:00:22 AM
Quote from: .::VanDerSléìgh.Rules::. on January 03, 2020, 06:32:28 AM

I will never understand how he wasn't cancelled after the Aaliyah mess. It should've been curtains then and there. It just goes back to black ppl (STILL) thinking girls are fast and seduce these "men"  :uhh:

Yea she was booed at shows and producers didnt want to work with her for OIAM. She needed that FACE/smile and intrinsic inner glow to mask it all because I know she was dealing with trauma too like any teen girl would. And in the public eye. but she did her thing.
Has her brother or Diane spoken on any of this?



Quote from: Bentley. A Moderator. on January 03, 2020, 10:15:36 AM
Quote from: L0NZ. on January 03, 2020, 07:00:22 AM
Quote from: .::VanDerSléìgh.Rules::. on January 03, 2020, 06:32:28 AM

I will never understand how he wasn't cancelled after the Aaliyah mess. It should've been curtains then and there. It just goes back to black ppl (STILL) thinking girls are fast and seduce these "men"  :uhh:

Yea she was booed at shows and producers didnt want to work with her for OIAM. She needed that FACE/smile and intrinsic inner glow to mask it all because I know she was dealing with trauma too like any teen girl would. And in the public eye. but she did her thing.
Has her brother or Diane spoken on any of this?

That's the only thing I hate. It's clearly something she was ok with keeping a private part of her life.

But at the same time, I feel like she would be happy all these girls are getting justice.

You think she would have eventually aired him out?

I don't know.  It's crazy she died right before the tapes emerged because she would have dealt with a lot of questions about it.  Would she have been pressured to testify at his trial?  Who knows how she coped with what happened to her?  Did she get therapy?  They swept things under the rug very quickly and kept her working on her career, so maybe she never had time to process it?  She was only 22.  That's when you really start to realize how young and naive you were as a teen.  Imagine her living through MeToo as a woman in her 30's.  The world has changed since the 90's.

Keep in mind, he also hit her.

But let folks tell it, they were in love.  Or she seduced him.  :ummwhat:


Just watched episode 1 and I need these white bitches who was on his staff DEAD


I need to get into the mess 

heard the news raving over this yesterday 


January 04, 2020, 02:06:45 AM #40 Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 02:07:22 AM by .::VanDerSléìgh.Rules::.
Part 3 was a lot. Wow

And is it just ke or did he try to have a lot of these girls (that  now look NOTHING like her) try to give an Aaliyah tea.  :uhh:
Edit: in these throwback photos.
He was a bit obsessed.
Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)


Quote from: L0NZ. on January 03, 2020, 09:00:20 AM
Quote from: ssw4919 on January 03, 2020, 08:50:16 AM
I don't believe there is any way Diane and her fam didn't know what was going on.  Aaliyah was singing inappropriate things, dressed like him, wearing his chains, and calling him her best friend.  :uhh:  Under normal circumstances, any parent would have seen the red flags.  But because it's the music industry and fame was at stake, it was seen as ok. 

Also, remember that it was her family who bought into the notion that Aaliyah was "mature for her age" when they should have been more concerned with protecting her innocence.  Diane was the same one calling Aaliyah sexy as a child.  :blink:  There are some weird things that went on that to me felt like all of them putting the blinders on so that she could get famous.

That makes sense but I don't fully see it that way. I don't think they realized her innocence needed protection. Dressing like your mentor and wearing chains isn't a red flag unless your mentor is a monster, and I don't think Michael and Diane knew that.

She probably never told them, she probably even lied about it just like that girl Faith. They probably trusted that she would tell them, but it was too difficult to explain. R Kelly helped with her career and that mattered to hear at that age.



Quote from: Harlem on January 03, 2020, 09:50:25 PM
Just watched episode 1 and I need these white bitches who was on his staff DEAD

These robot bimbo bitches



January 04, 2020, 02:21:41 PM #43 Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 02:25:31 PM by Annie
Quote from: ssw4919 on January 03, 2020, 11:17:08 AM
Quote from: Bentley. A Moderator. on January 03, 2020, 10:15:36 AM
Quote from: L0NZ. on January 03, 2020, 07:00:22 AM
Quote from: .::VanDerSléìgh.Rules::. on January 03, 2020, 06:32:28 AM

I will never understand how he wasn't cancelled after the Aaliyah mess. It should've been curtains then and there. It just goes back to black ppl (STILL) thinking girls are fast and seduce these "men"  :uhh:

Yea she was booed at shows and producers didnt want to work with her for OIAM. She needed that FACE/smile and intrinsic inner glow to mask it all because I know she was dealing with trauma too like any teen girl would. And in the public eye. but she did her thing.
Has her brother or Diane spoken on any of this?

That's the only thing I hate. It's clearly something she was ok with keeping a private part of her life.

But at the same time, I feel like she would be happy all these girls are getting justice.

You think she would have eventually aired him out?

I don't know.  It's crazy she died right before the tapes emerged because she would have dealt with a lot of questions about it.  Would she have been pressured to testify at his trial?  Who knows how she coped with what happened to her?  Did she get therapy?  They swept things under the rug very quickly and kept her working on her career, so maybe she never had time to process it?  She was only 22.  That's when you really start to realize how young and naive you were as a teen.  Imagine her living through MeToo as a woman in her 30's.  The world has changed since the 90's.

Keep in mind, he also hit her.

But let folks tell it, they were in love.  Or she seduced him.  :ummwhat:

When the red album dropped she explained her lyrics were like playing movie roles..however there are some songs on her that probably felt like therapy to her. I refuse, Never no more, U got nerve, Read between the lines..

Even What if with those lines 'We'll burn you, cut you, kill you..' A lot of songs about someone playing with her mind. A lot of frustration and anger. Static probably wrote all of it, I don't know how involved she was in the process..but there is a lot of emotion in her voice. I think at some point she would take back her power but she was still very young when she died.

You could also see how much she enjoyed playing those powerful roles (fighting in Romeo must die & a powerful vampire in Queen of the damned)



They said R Kelly met Aaliyah at age 13. Then Dame said he married her at 13 (it was 15) but what he probably meant he was already abusing her from that age. I felt like the interviewer should have asked him about it. 
