I hate when trans don’t look like women.. SORRY! it bothers me

Started by GLOCK, March 29, 2020, 01:51:21 PM

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Quote from: GLOCK on March 29, 2020, 05:59:05 PM
Quote from: Mel. on March 29, 2020, 05:52:38 PM
Quote from: GLOCK on March 29, 2020, 05:45:08 PM
Quote from: Mel. on March 29, 2020, 05:43:52 PM
Quote from: BLOW. on March 29, 2020, 05:30:07 PM
My thing is.... :unsure: who truly describes their self like that or feel the need djhdhdhdjhd

I was asked to describe what I looked like
and I did.....simple

I didn't voluntarily run around just telling people I was lightskin. That does nothing for me
yes u fucking did  :plzstop:

U would deliberately argue with the girls saying u weren't and I quote "soot colored" and that u had green eyes


Why lie?!
I mean the material is there. U don't like yourself
Never have

You're lying.
I don't even use the word soot and I definitely wouldn't describe myself as such
and what I SAID was my eyes are hazel with green on the outer ring
I never said they were straight up green, you're blatantly lying
bitch I'm telling the truth

Stop lying because we have new members and new energy around here

Admit you hate yourself NOW.
apologize for what your faves did to my family in Italy, faggot

I have no reason to lie
I'm not sure what you're getting out of it


Quote from: BLOW. on March 29, 2020, 06:04:03 PM
Sinny....... ALSO...

to go that long pretending to be a girl is a mental illness.


Did we need any more proof that sinny is a MENT?
Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)


Wtf is going on

 how do y'all get this deep. Do y'all live on the same block? 


Quote from: Mel. on March 29, 2020, 06:02:10 PM
Quote from: GLOCK on March 29, 2020, 05:42:13 PM
Quote from: Mel. on March 29, 2020, 05:28:39 PM
The fact that you're even bothered by me saying I'm lightskn...
maybe that's YOU'RE internalized self-hate for not being of the lighter spectrum creeping out
don't take it out on me....

just like your internalized homophobia
hun I love the caramel skin (which some might even call lightskin  :dead:) that i live in... but i won't just press past your behavior over the years .. especially when u decide to highlight mine.

You're the same girl that obsessed over Ralf and got mad because he wouldn't give u the human interaction that u so desperately needed. Or how about sending ray  (who is a heterosexual male) messages eliciting a form of romance or homosexual attention.

I mean you admitted to living in ur parents basement so being a 30+ year old virgin simply fits the narrative about u luring my sisters .. who were very impressionable at the time into aol chats to bust ur filthy adult nuts.

I just don't respect you Mel  :kii:
Never have.. never will.
You're a bully and u have yet to do any self correction to your toxic approach and behavior
No one respects u here  :plzstop:

WTF are you talking about?
I was mad @ Ralf because he came on here, tried to humiliate me and lead to you all and lead ya'll to believe a lie
as for Ray, I'm a flirt..I love to flirt, it was just jokes...I don't do that anymore
not with any of you....I'm not that gorl anymore

I've never admitted to living in a basement, you're still lying
U can't even get ur lie owt right

U were throwing ur self at Ralf and king said NO.

You were legit on this bitch bragging and making subliminal love tales about that boy and king said "NO! stop this"

U got in ur feelings then started pumping up lies about king

And as far as ray.. u don't flirt with people who don't want u or even go that way. You only fed the stereotypes about gay men.

You're gross and offensive
Ur seriously lying hard.. u know damn well u said u were perched in the basement (all to yourself) of ur parents crib  :uhh:

And that u didn't have credit cards.. and I said well.. just ask ur parents and u said "I'm not asking them! No!"



Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)


Quote from: Mel. on March 29, 2020, 05:22:09 PM
Quote from: GLOCK on March 29, 2020, 02:42:38 PM
You don't like being black so again..
nothing u say truly holds any weight
you've sat on this damn server for a decade denying your own complexion and honestly being offended that you've been branded ass some dark skin man

lets not Mel..
you don't love you and that's truly what grinds ur gears when ur graced with my posts

lastly you spent ur first decade on here seducing underage members and trading unreleased brandy chunes and chink art in exchange for their prepubescent nudes. 

sorry you're just the last girl I'm taking any kinda of advice from

let's unpack and clock this and be done because you're talking nonsense and I won't allow slander

1. I've never given you or anyone here a reason to believe I don't like being black
you're only saying that because I like k-pop and I don't partake in racism ya'll seem to find funny
for whatever reason, idk and don't care...
so if that means I hate being black because I'm not racist, ok. I guess. lol

2. have you physically seen me? has anyone here seen me? the answer is no
so how are you telling me what I look like? do you know how stupid that sounds
I'm not mad because I'm darkskin, even if I were why would I be mad? black is beautiful and I've complimented
brown and darkskin countless times on here, so why would I be mad if I was darkskin? make it make sense
if anything I was more annoyed than anything that strangers have the audacity to tell me what I see in the mirror everyday
but I stopped caring, I realized how silly it was so I stopped partaking and ignored such discussion
I know the real and that's all that matters....

3. I've never asked anyone who was underage for any kinds of nudes
anything I've ever received was from consenting adults and is kinda not yours or anyone's business
the fact that you're continuing to run with a narrative that has never been proven to be true
shows your character and how much of a follower you are at your big age....
I thought we stopped being followers when we were kids....
you're a grown ass adult, think for your damn self

4. You are all the things I said you were, don't like my assessment? don't be an ignorant dickhead

:thatssowendy: :thatssowendy: :thatssowendy:



You were tryna buy shit online and didn't have a credit card

unstable faggot. 
broke ass Basement Girl



Quote from: heir. on March 29, 2020, 06:00:34 PM
Quote from: Apollo XXI on March 29, 2020, 05:56:16 PM
I believe Mel.

leave King alone
i dont see a big 'eal.

if king identifies as being light skin with a curly tress
thats how she identifies .

now if i see her somewhere calling people charcoal BBQ, nappy headed and mess
then we may need to chat

but we'd need to chat whether she's light brown caramel dark or whatever.
anti-blackness is not....tolerated in my book

It really shouldn't be this serious
it's these gorls that made it this way, it's very strange