Love to fucking see it!

Started by HUGO, June 25, 2020, 01:56:14 PM

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Quote from: G on June 25, 2020, 02:39:04 PM
Honestly black queen gave her a few more concessions than I would've ever conjured..

the way she gave her a bit of a history mess .. then checked in to see if the bitch had learned yet?

NOPE.. welp! Meet Professor 1 & 2 bitch. 🤛🏽🤛🏽


i'm oph, he's mine

Quote from: RIGs on June 25, 2020, 06:49:13 PM
Quote from: Kaeli. on June 25, 2020, 02:22:13 PM
Quote from: coffelia_buchanan on June 25, 2020, 02:03:55 PM
when will we see how powerless we look/are when we respond like this to a ignorant ass racist. you giving them exactly what they want. this shit aint cute and it only puts us in danger. now if she woulda read her downe.... thats the mess i wanna see.

Why do niggers always have to take the high road? I'm perfectly fine with seeing a racist white BITCH get clocked every once in a while. Plus, we've been seeing them getting read on camera a bunch recently, anyway.

It's not as if this sets us back another 400 years or some mess.  That bitch got exactly what she asked for and it's on camera

I get what Oph is saying, but meh.

thank u for at least acknowledging that even if u don't quite agree as opposed to fabricating this "defending whites" narrative without any basis. wondering where those receipts are. should be able to just search the mess.  :uhh:

i think my name was "bby 'phelia"


Quote from: Baph. on June 25, 2020, 03:01:17 PM
I mean....

I guess you could track sis down and fuck her up LATER.
But with all the adrenaline in the moment you're not thinking about shit like that.


Quote from: CREAM. on June 25, 2020, 03:25:54 PM
I've honestly never been called a nigger before

So I just don't know what thats like

It's easy to say what so and so would or should have done in that moment

I can see myself easily going upside Delores' head 
But then I'd be looked at as "the angry black man who had to resort to violence"

Not that I would give a fuck but I'm just saying you just gotta be careful.

I think I'd probably just read her fashions or sum

Or pepper spray her

Not Delores  :kii:



Not reading beyond page 5

Bentley. HARRIS!

Quote from: CREAM. on June 25, 2020, 07:20:51 PM

The way her head BOPS forward



Quote from: CREAM. on June 25, 2020, 07:20:51 PM

The way her head BOPS forward


Ugh seeing whites BEAT just...makes me feel powerful


best selling female rapper of all time


Quote from: Lew Scherzinger Norwood on June 25, 2020, 03:33:24 PM
Quote from: coffelia_buchanan on June 25, 2020, 03:20:19 PM
cant go back in forth in here all day but i see some people working overtime to mischaracterize my point, so i'll overview

- i understand the anger
- doing things like this puts black people at further risk in this country which is my main and only concern -- us
- our words are just as powerful as our fists. not acknowledging this is an insult to our own intellect.
- i want us out of jail and alive. if that means dragging a racist verbally instead of laying hands (seen as assault in the eyes of a justic system thats looking for any reason to put us down as it is) then... yea

It wasnt mis characterized its just speaking from a past time paradise of just wait and let justice as the system sees it to kick in
There is no time for that
Our existence in the country is equally  at risk  ppul doing nothing but trying to live their lives in peace encounter violence and hatred from their own community and law enforcment and judicial system
There is no one way to handle it , and everyone does not porsses the same skillset to handle it in the manner you are suggesting
While I may agree that verbal vs verbal should not end in a physical altercation
part of the outrage is that they are pressing these race buttons because they feel they wont suffer behind now they are

We get killed for selling cigarettes, buying skittles and wearing a hoodie, or even barbecuing on the fucking corner

We as black people take a risk just leaving our house.  :dead: I completely understand what Oph' is sayin but in THIS particular case, she had absolutely nothing to lose IMO.

No one in a nearby distance could deny that the wild APE in this situation was the racist cracker ass white woman, and she got exactly what she was begging for. 



Blessed Be The Mufuckin Fruit!!!


Blessed Be The Mufuckin Fruit!!!


Quote from: Choke 👑 on June 25, 2020, 02:34:32 PM
Trust me THIS is not the reaction this bitch expected or wanted
Blessed Be The Mufuckin Fruit!!!


where's the vid? its gone. i wanna relish in this cracker getting KNOCKED the fuck up.